The first Keller-Lamar Health Foundation Publication
The Keller-Lamar Health Foundation (KLHF) has completed and published a validation study for the KLHF web-based platform. The study was published in the peer-reviewed PLoS One Journal in January 2021 and involved 155 older adults in a Louisiana State University led study. As part of the effort, the lead investigator (Dr. Matthew Calamia) was able to establish the feasibility and validity of using the KLHF platform for the remote assessment of cognition, mood, mobility, and quality of life in community- dwelling older adults. Because the KLHF platform is web-based, it can be used as part of remote and self-guided assessments for clinical trials or longitudinal research. To read more, please use the following link:
To learn more about using the KLHF platform for your future clinical research, please contact us.